All Classes and Interfaces

Generic support superclass for Spring beans.
Support superclass for BeanDefinitionParser implementations.
Support superclass for Spring beans that are configured by a PersistentObject root object, or some portion thereof.
Support superclass for PersistentObjectDelegate classes, with implementations of all methods other than serialize() and deserialize().
Provides the machinery for auto-generated FieldBuilder-like classes.
Specifies properties of the Binder binding itself.
Holds static information gathered from scanning @FieldBuilder.FieldDefault annotations.
Causes the generated field to be automatically enabled or disabled based on the value of some other controlling field(s).
Declare alternate default values for properties of the Vaadin fields created by @FieldBuilder.
Configures how FieldBuilder.addFieldComponents() adds a generated field to a FormLayout.
Causes the field that would otherwise be used for a property to be wrapped in a NullableField, which adds a Checkbox that controls whether the value is null or not.
Specifies that the annotated method will create a field suitable for editing the specified property.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a Grid converted to a multi-select field via Grid.asMultiSelect().
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a Grid converted to a single-select field via Grid.asSingleSelect().
Support superclass for SchemaUpdate implementations with standard bean property implementations.
Handles the initialization and schema maintenance of a database.
Support superclass for SchemaUpdates declared in Spring BeanFactorys that infer their names and required predecessors from their Spring bean attributes.
A DataSource that wraps an inner DataSource and automatically performs some update operation on the inner DataSource on first access.
Support superclass for validators.
XMLEventReader that reads and removes an initial annotation element from an XML document.
XMLEventWriter that adds an extra annotation element to an XML document as it is written.
XMLStreamReader that reads and removes an initial annotation element from an XML document.
XMLStreamWriter that adds an extra annotation element to an XML document as it is written.
Annotation utility methods.
A ListDataProvider whose contents are gathered in an asynchronous query.
Callback interface for asynchronous loading of data for a AsyncDataProvider.
Performs asynchonous reads on an InputStream and notifies of input events.
Callback interface required by AsyncInputStream.
An OutputStream that performs writes using a background thread, so that write, flush, and close operations never block.
Performs some task executing asynchronously and managed by an AsyncTaskManager.
Allows applications to safely manage asynchronous tasks that execute in the background (without holding the VaadinSession lock) entirely within the context of a locked VaadinSession.
Event type emitted by an AsyncTaskManager when an AsyncTask changes status.
Listener interface for AsyncTaskManager event notifications.
A FileOutputStream that atomically updates the target file.
Calculates running averages and variance.
A Comparator that orders Spring bean names in the same order as the corresponding beans appear in a ListableBeanFactory.
Support superclass for CustomFields containing sub-fields that are managed by an internal Binder.
A bit-oriented InputStream.
A bit-oriented OutputStream.
Catalog of common byte order marks.
A Reader that wraps an InputStream, detects and strips the byte order mark, and then converts bytes into characters accordingly.
Thrown by AsyncOutputStream when its buffer overflows.
Encodes byte[] arrays to and from hexadecimal strings.
Provides an InputStream view of a ByteBuffer.
Provides an OutputStream view of a ByteBuffer.
Support superclass for ChannelNetwork connections.
Support superclass for Network implementations based on SelectableChannels.
Wraps checked exceptions so they can be thrown across API methods that don't declare them.
Support superclass for MainClass implementations that wish to execute with an associated Spring application context.
Database action interface.
Encodes Date objects to and from strings.
Default uniquifier for @Unique constraints.
Manages a delayed action without race conditions.
Spring NamespaceHandler for the dellroad-stuff XML namespace.
Wrapper for an underlying XMLStreamWriter that replaces consecutive opening and closing XML tags with empty string content with a single self-closing tag.
A simple data provider containing Enum values.
Utility methods for Enums.
Enumeration of possible actions to take when an error of some kind is detected.
Support superclass for filtering XMLEventWriter implementations.
Automatically configures and binds fields using declarative method annotations.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a BigDecimalField.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a Checkbox.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a CheckboxGroup.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a ComboBox.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a CustomField.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a DatePicker.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a DateTimePicker.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using an EmailField.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using an Input.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using an IntegerField.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a ListBox.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a MultiSelectComboBox.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a MultiSelectListBox.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a NumberField.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a PasswordField.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a RadioButtonGroup.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a RangeInput.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a Select.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a TextArea.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a TextField.
Specifies how a Java bean property should be edited using a TimePicker.
Provides context when fields are instantiated automatically based on method annotations by an AbstractFieldBuilder.
Straightforward implementation of the FieldBuilderContext interface.
Support superclass that mostly automates the creation of CustomFields for editing any model type using sub-fields automatically generated from FieldBuilder annotations to arbitrary recursion depth.
A combination of a HasValue field and its corresponding Component.
Provides a file-based implementation of the StreamRepository interface with the added feature of automated backups.
Adapter class for PersistentObjectDelegate implementations that wrap a nested delegate.
Implemented by objects in an object graph that support graph cloning, i.e., deep copies without duplicates and preserving reference topology.
A registry for copies of GraphCloneable objects used during graph cloning operations.
Declare a Grid.Column to be auto-generated by a GridColumnScanner.
Scans a Java class hierarchy for @GridColumn annotated getter methods, allowing for declarative auto-generation of Grid.Columns.
Validation constraint requiring a String to be a valid DNS hostname (or hostname component).
Validation constraint requiring a String to be either a valid fully-qualified DNS hostname or an IPv4 address.
Registry of unique IDs for objects.
Exception thrown by an IdleTimeoutInputStream when a read operation takes too long.
Wraps an InputStream and enforces a maximum time limit on how long any read() operation may block.
JiBX Marshaller/Unmarshaller that assigns unique ID's to each object and replaces duplicate appearances of the same object with an IDREF reference.
Wrapper for Spring's JibxMarshaller that performs marshalling and unmarshalling operations within an invocation of
Wrapper for an underlying XMLEventWriter that automatically adds indentation to the event stream.
Wrapper for an underlying XMLStreamWriter that "pretty-prints" the XML by replacing the whitespace between XML tags so that the result is properly indented.
Reads zero or more InputStreams serialized inside an underlying InputStream by an OutputStreamWriter.
Utility methods for working with IPv4 addresses and netmasks.
Implementation of the Marshaller and Unmarshaller interfaces for JiBX.
Some simplified API methods for JiBX XML encoding/decoding.
Interface for linked lists.
Set implementation with these properties which make it suitable for use with JiBX: Iteration order reflects addition order (this property is inherited from LinkedHashSet) An ListableHashSet.addUnique(E) method that throws JiBXException if the item is already in the set (suitable for use as a JiBX add-method)
A map with non-zero long keys.
A set of non-zero long values.
Support superclass for command line classes.
Utility class that makes it slightly easier to model Map properties in JiBX.
Straightforward implementation of PropertySet with property values stored in a Map.
An URLClassLoader that maintains an updatable cache of class files (as byte[] arrays) in memory from which classes may be loaded.
Merges multiple ResultSets into a single ResultSet.
POJO representing a MessageFormat that models its internal structure, supporting arbitrary recursive nesting of MessageFormat with ChoiceFormat.
A MessageFmt.Segment within a MessageFormat pattern that formats one of the arguments.
An MessageFmt.ArgumentSegment that formats its argument using a ChoiceFormat.
Represents one option in a MessageFmt.ChoiceArgumentSegment.
An MessageFmt.ArgumentSegment that formats its argument using the NumberFormat currency instance for the locale.
A MessageFormat argument segment that formats the argument using a DateFormat.
Enumerates the standard, pre-defined formats for dates and times in DateFormat.
An MessageFmt.ArgumentSegment that formats its argument using a DecimalFormat.
An MessageFmt.ArgumentSegment that simply formats the argument using the default formatting for its type.
An MessageFmt.ArgumentSegment that formats its argument using the default NumberFormat for the locale.
An MessageFmt.ArgumentSegment that formats its argument using a Format of some kind.
An MessageFmt.ArgumentSegment that formats its argument using the NumberFormat integer instance for the locale.
An MessageFmt.ArgumentSegment that formats its argument using a NumberFormat.
An MessageFmt.ArgumentSegment that formats its argument using the NumberFormat percent instance for the locale.
Represents one atomic portion of a MessageFormat pattern string.
Visitor pattern interface for MessageFmt.Segment subclasses.
Adapter class for MessageFmt.SegmentSwitch implementations.
A MessageFormat argument segment that formats the argument using a SimpleDateFormat.
An MessageFmt.ArgumentSegment that formats its argument using one of the standard DateFormat date instances for the locale.
An MessageFmt.ArgumentSegment that formats its argument using one of the standard DateFormat time instances for the locale.
Represents a stretch of plain text in a MessageFormat pattern string.
Scan a class hierarchy for annotated methods in an override-aware manner.
Interpreter for printf-style formatting strings that identifies arguments using names rather than indicies.
Abstraction layer representing a "network" over which a local "node" can communicate with remote nodes.
Callback interface used by Network implementations.
Thrown by AbstractConfiguredBean.getRequiredConfig() when the bean is not configured.
A CustomField that wraps an inner field and prepends a checkbox (or other boolean field) in front of it that controls whether the value is null or not.
Presents an InputStream interface given a WriteCallback that can write to an OutputStream.
Presents an OutputStream interface given a ReadCallback that can read from an InputStream.
A Comparator that creates a stable, total ordering of all Java objects.
Serializes zero or more OutputStreams inside a single underlying OutputStream.
Utility class supporting parsing of strings.
JiBX parsing utility methods.
Works like the standard @Pattern but applies to any type of object, converting to String as necessary via Object.toString(), and recursing on collection types.
Validator for the @Pattern constraint.
Support superclass for clients that want to maintain a persistent connection to some server.
Represents an open "transaction" on a PersistentObject's persistent file.
Main class for Simple XML Persistence Objects (POBJ).
Delegate interface required for PersistentObjects.
Notification event emitted by a PersistentObject to listeners whenever there is an update to the root object.
Runtime exception thrown during PersistentObject operations.
PersistentObject implementation of Spring's PersistenceExceptionTranslator interface.
Listener interface for changes to a PersistentObject.
A PersistentObjectDelegate that is also a AbstractSchemaUpdater that automatically applies needed updates to the persistent XML file.
PersistentObject implementation of Spring's PlatformTransactionManager interface, allowing methods annotated with Spring's @Transactional annotation to perform transactions on PersistentObjects.
Runtime exception thrown during PersistentObject operations.
Optimistic locking exception thrown by PersistentObject.setRoot() when the expected version number does not agree.
Maintains a persistent Socket connection to a remote server, automatically reconnecting when the connection fails.
A better piped input/output stream pair.
Interface implemented by the InputStream and OutputStream associated with a PipedStreams instance.
A boolean predicate.
Simple utility enumeration for working Java Class instances representing primitive types (including void).
Visitor pattern interface for Primitives.
Adapter class for PrimitiveSwitch implementations.
Handles external process I/O and async execution.
Callback interface used to read input from an InputStream.
Reflection utility methods.
Spring factory bean that reads in a Spring Resource and converts it to a String.
An annotation for @Transactional methods that want to have transactions automatically retried when they fail due to a transient exception.
Interface implemented by the RetryTransactionAspect, which implements the RetryTransaction functionality.
Holds the configuration information that is required when applying retry logic.
A one-time database schema update.
TopologicalSorter.EdgeLister implementation reflecting SchemaUpdate predecessor constraints.
A DataSource that wraps an inner DataSource and automatically intializes and updates the database schema using a SQLSchemaUpdater on first access.
Support superclass for classes that perform activity based on SelectableChannel asynchronous I/O notifications.
Callback interface used by SelectorSupport.
A "do nothing" ComponentRenderer used to render values that are already Component's.
Validation constraint that when applied to classes that implement the SelfValidating interface allows custom validation by the class itself via SelfValidating.checkValid().
Implemented by classes that can validate themselves.
Implements the validation logic for the @SelfValidates annotation.
Wrapper that makes a Method Serializable.
Parses strings using regular expressions into new instances of some class by parsing substrings.
Straightforward implementation of PropertySet using caller-supplied getters and setters.
A simplified asynchronous task manager.
Spring bean that listens for connections on a TCP socket and spawns a child thread to handle each new connection.
Implemented by objects that handle individual connections accepted by a SocketAcceptor.
Validation constraint that checks elements are sorted.
Validator for the @Sorted constraint.
PersistentObjectDelegate that uses Spring's Marshaller and Unmarshaller interfaces for XML conversion.
Global singleton that provides access to the application context in which it is defined from anywhere.
JiBX parsing utility methods for Spring expressions.
Support superclass for Spring-enabled SchemaUpdates for use with a PersistentObjectSchemaUpdater.
PersistentObjectSchemaUpdater optimized for use with Spring: SpringPersistentObjectSchemaUpdater.getOrderingTieBreaker() is overridden to break ties by ordering updates in the same order as they are defined in the bean factory. This class implements InitializingBean and verifies all required properties are set. If no updates are explicitly configured, then all SpringPersistentObjectSchemaUpdates found in the containing bean factory are automatically configured; this requires that all of the schema updates are defined in the same ListableBeanFactory. The default value may be configured as an XML resource
Spring-enabled SQL SchemaUpdate.
SQLSchemaUpdater optimized for use with Spring.
SpringPersistentObjectSchemaUpdate that applies a configured XSL transform to the XML form of the persistent object.
Spring BeanPostProcessor that looks for SpringXSLPersistentObjectSchemaUpdate beans that don't have an explicit transform resource configured, and configures them using a resource location based on the bean name, by simply adding a configured prefix and suffix.
An SQL DatabaseAction that executes a single SQL statement.
Holds and executes a configured SQL script, possibly containing multiple statements.
Concrete extension of AbstractSchemaUpdater for SQL databases.
Wrapper for a XMLEventReader that keeps track of the current element(s) being parsed as a stack of StartElement events.
Interface for atomic storage and retrieval of an opaque byte array, with access being done via the InputStream and OutputStream interfaces.
Represents some XML output event(s) that can be applied to an XMLStreamWriter.
Support superclass for filtering XMLStreamWriter implementations.
Encodes/decodes Java strings, escaping control and XML-invalid characters.
A hack to workaround a stupid JLS restriction which requires super() be the first statement in a constructor.
A TCP connection to be used with a ChannelNetwork.
Network implementation based on TCP connections.
Base class for unit tests providing logging and random seed setup.
Manages a thread local whose lifetime matches the duration of some method call.
A place for threads to be parked and unparked.
Utility methods dealing with Throwables.
Utility class for performing timed waits on objects.
Topological sorting utility class.
Implemented by classes that can enumerate the outgoing edges from a node in a graph.
ErrorListener implementation that logs the messages to a configured Logger and throws exceptions in cases of errors and fatal errors.
Validation constraint that checks for the uniqueness of the constrained property's value over some uniqueness domain.
Validator for the @Unique constraint.
Converts values into some other object that has the desired uniqueness.
Exception thrown by a AbstractSchemaUpdater.initializeAndUpdateDatabase(D) when it encounters one or more recorded updates that are not recognized.
Exception thrown by an AbstractUpdatingDataSource operating in asynchronous mode when getConnection() is invoked while an update is still in progress.
AnnotatedXMLStreamReader that reads the nested schema update list.
AnnotatedXMLStreamWriter that inserts the schema update list into the document using an PersistentObjectSchemaUpdater.UPDATES_ELEMENT_NAME annotation element.
A DataSource that wraps an inner DataSource and automatically applies a configured SQLCommandList on first access.
Support superclass for listeners in a Vaadin session who need to listen to non-Vaadin ("external") event sources.
Utility class for finding the VaadinSession associated with the current HTTP request when VaadinSession.getCurrent() isn't an option.
Miscellaneous utility methods.
Implemented by fields that are themselves capable of validating field values.
Provides additional context for ConstraintValidator implementations.
Validation utility methods.
Comparator for version numbers.
Comparator for version number parts.
Applies JSR 303 bean validation constraints that are attached to the bean as a whole (not to an individual property).
Callback interface used to write output to an OutputStream.
InputStream over which XML documents are passed.
OutputStream over which XML documents are passed.
Outputs the result of an SQL query as XML.